Ash Wednesday Colouring – The Results

Here is what A came up with for her Ash Wednesday colouring pages!

Ok, I participated on that last drawing 😉

The stickers also came out at some point, including some very secular cats when we ran out of devotional ones. Oh well!

(and I did not tell her to use red for Jesus on the cross. She picked it up as her first colour choice for that drawing all on her own! Same for the girl receiving the cross mark, all in black (covered in sin). Sometimes the coincidences in her little mind amazes me…)


Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent, the 7th Wednesday (or, 46 days) before Easter, and a season to focus on our need for forgiveness and salvation.

I was reading through my Lent Bible Study (Preparing My Heart for Easter, by Ann Marie Stewart) and came across the colours of lent: Red for the Blood of Christ, Black for Sin (Good Friday), Grey for Ashes (Ash Wednesday – sorrow), and Purple for Royalty (King Jesus).

My crafty self thought: Hey! I should prep some colouring activities for DD1! I like having themed colouring pages with themed coloured crayons in a glass laying around for A to colour with. So off I go to Google to find some Ash Wednesday colouring pages, and I pull out crayons and markers of those colours. Themed activities, crafts and colours are a fun way to learn about Holidays and events at her age! 🙂